Our Story

About a decade ago we became aware people were saying the food we ate was depleted of nutrients. Due to destruction of the soil microbiome (1) and farming practices extracting more nutrients from the soil at each harvest than was replaced.

We registered this and consequently wherever possible we chose organic food for our family and ate a wide variety of fruit and vegetables with minimal UPF(2).

Fresh cooked food

We have breezed along thinking if you eat fresh food - by and large - you will get all the nutrients you need.

Then one of our Spaniels (this isn’t a story about dogs per se), who was very fit, active, young, and apparently healthy developed joint pain. The Vet was reluctant to blame anything for this but mentioned his diet as possibly contributory.

Investigating food

We decided to investigate whether we could do better with what we were feeding him - as that sounded a better choice than a lifetime on powerful pain killers and anti-inflammatory medication. So, our first idea was - let's feed him human grade food.

We bought the ingredients we thought would make a sensible diet for Ralf and to make sure we were on the 'right track' (not about to make a bad problem even worse) sent them off to a Specialist Laboratory for testing.

Our food is deficient of nutrients

To cut a long story short – we discovered for most of us, even on our ‘Best Day of Nutrition’ - our food isn’t supplying all the nutrients the Government recommends we take daily to maintain good health.

As a consequence, we developed a Supplement that is intended to be foundational and suitable for any adult. To go some way to filling the likely gaps without excess.

Our approach for the formulation, based on our food studies, was:

1) What nutrients to include?

2) Which type/variant?

3) How much of each?

4) Do they all work in harmony?

Supplements have a role

We believe Food should be Foundational – but if the necessary Nutrients aren’t accessible for regular people – there can be consequences and a considered formulation can make good sense.

1) Microbiome - collection of microorganisms—bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microbes—that live in a particular environment

2) UPF – Ultra Processed Food - refers to industrially manufactured food products that undergo extensive processing and contain little to no ‘whole foods’. They typically include additives like preservatives, artificial flavours, colourings, emulsifiers, and sweeteners to enhance taste, texture, and shelf life. These foods are often high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and salt while being low in fibre and essential nutrients.